Ozark News

April 2nd Election Results

You can also track election results here with the Greene County Clerk’s Office.

Springfield R-12 School District—School Board Race

(Vote for 3)

Danielle Kincaid _2806______________

Landon McCarter__2083_____________

Susan Provance __2872______________

Scott Crise ___1471__________________

Kyler Sherman-Wilkins _1678__________

Chad Rollins __2049_________________

Maryam Mohammadkhani_2166__________

Willard R-2 School District—School Board Race

(Vote for 2)

Matthew Young _________________

Amanda Gooch __________________

Megan Patrick ___________________

Renee McKelvie __________________

Nixa Public School District—School Board Race

(Vote for 2)

Joshua K. Roberts _99____________

Megan Deal __74__________________

Jason Massengale __80_____________

Elizabeth Dudash-Buskirk __59_________

Ozark R VI School District—-School Board Race

(Vote for 2)

Patty Quessenberry __152_________

Dustin Kirkman __127_____________

Jason Newman Shaffer __116________

James Francis Griffin __108___________

Ash Grove R-4 School District—School Board Race

(Vote for 2)

Cody Stacey __33__________________

Robert “Jeremy” Willmon _19________

Rachelle Vaughn _18________________

Amanda Reece __28________________

David L. Hazelrigg (HAZE-uhl-rigg) 25

Walnut Grove R-5 School District—School Board Race

(Vote for 3)

David Glenn __2__________________

Scott Hayter __4__________________

Daphne Wilkins _6_________________

Brandon Simpson __5_______________

Fair Grove R-10 School District—School Board Race

(Vote for 2)

Kelly Sutherland __62_______________

Brett McCulloch ___54______________

David Bruner __72__________________

Sparta R-III School District—-School Board Race
(Vote for 2)

Amy Humble Forgey _10_________

Katrina Selsor _10_________

Ethan Luetjen __4________

Spokane R-VII School District—School Board Race

(Vote for 2)
Holly Adams _112__________

Sarah Rhoades__47_______

Jeremy Truitt __84________

Edmund S. Unger __31________

Helen Unger __21___________

Billings R-IV School District—-School Board Race

(Vote for 2)

Chris Bos __16________

Lyndell Plowman __10_________

Karley Reeves (Hammers) _11_________

Chadwick R-I School District—School Board Race

(Vote for 2)

James Highfill ___________

Candice Cover ___________

Jerrod Lantz _____________

Niangua R-5 School District—–School Board Race

(Vote for 2)

William Venolia _______________

Logan Brengle _______________

Aaron Quella ________________

Shane Callaway ______________

Tom Dixon ___________________

Fordland R-III School District—School Board Race

(Vote for 2)

Maria Henry-Waterman _________________

Warren Paul Brooks __________________

Cynthia Susanne ___________________

City of Springfield Charter Amendments:

Question 1:

Should the city charter be amended to require enactment of a Code of Ethics, which would be reviewed by the city council at least once a year? It would also revise a provision to address employee violations with disciplinary action up to and including termination and add a legal defense to the forfeiture of office or termination of employment if a prior, written advisory opinion from the city attorney was obtained and relied upon in good faith.

YES: __3465____________________

NO: ___1024___________________

Question 2:

Should the city charter be amended to provide for the mayor to serve a four-year term instead of a two-year term? The four-year term would apply starting with the first 2025 general municipal election. The mayor would still be limited to eight consecutive years of service.

YES: __2452______________


City of Republic Charter Amendments: (There are 6 of them):

Question 1: Changing the charter so that the mayor would no longer appoint the city attorney, but rather the city administrator would appoint the city attorney.

YES: ________________

NO: ________________

Question 2: Amending the charter to “establish a schedule for the election of councilmembers to staggered four-year terms at the general municipal election to be held on even years.

YES: ______________

NO: _______________

Question 3: Amending the charter to clarify that a vacancy in the city council should be filled for the remainder of an unexpired term, if any, at the next regular municipal election with expiring seats on the ballot.

YES: ______________

NO: ______________

Question 4: Establishing requirements and procedures for the first and second reading of ordinances by title during a single open council meeting, and for final passage of an ordinance as part of the consent agenda at an open council meeting.

YES: _________________
NO: __________________

Question 5: Repealing charter section 7.6 and add a new subsection to section 7.3 that would make capital planning part of the annual budget.

YES: ________________

NO: ________________

Question 6: Would repeal section 10.3, which would allow administrative management of temporary permits issued for public utilities operations to be in line with the Republic Municipal Code.

YES: ________________

NO: ________________

City of Fair Grove Use Tax Issue:

Voters in Fair Grove are deciding whether to impose a local use tax at the same rate as the total local sales tax. If the local sales tax rate is reduced or raised by voter approval, the local use tax rate would be reduced or raised accordingly.

YES: ________________

NO: ________________

Marijuana Tax Issues in Several Communities in the Ozarks:

City of Republic Proposition G:

Voters are being asked to decide whether to impose an additional 3% sales tax on the retail sale of non-medical adult-use marijuana.

YES: ________________

NO: ________________

City of Nixa:

Voters deciding whether to impose a 3% sales tax on “all tangible personal property retail sales” of non-medical adult-use marijuana sold in the city.

YES: _90___67%____________

NO: __40___33%____________

City of Billings:

Voters are deciding whether to impose a 3% sales tax on all retail sales of adult-use, non-medical marijuana sold in the city. The tax would be used for “capital improvements and operations of public safety services.”

YES: __5___100%____________

NO: __________________

City of Rogersville:

Voters are deciding whether to impose a 3% sales tax on all retail sales of adult-use non-medical marijuana sold in the city of Rogersville.

YES: _______________

NO: ________________

City of Fordland:

Voters are deciding whether to impose a 3% sales tax on all retail sales of adult-use marijuana sold in the city of Fordland.

YES: _______________

NO: _______________

City of Pleasant Hope:

Voters are being asked to decide whether to implement a 3% sales tax on the sale of adult-use marijuana, which would support construction of sidewalks within Pleasant Hope city limits.

YES: _____________

NO: _____________

Local School District Money Issues:

Clever R-V School District:


Voters asked to decide a $16 million dollar bond issue to acquire, construct, renovate, improve and equip school facilities. This includes additions to the elementary-middle school campus and the high school, and making safety and security improvements to school facilities, and acquiring title to school facilities and/or prepaying all or a portion of existing lease obligations.

YES: _17___81%__________

NO: __4____19%_________

Sparta R-III School District:

Voters are deciding whether the district is allowed to increase the operating tax levy ceiling to $3.2788 per $100 of assess valuation to support the district’s general operating expenses, including compensation for staff and employees.

YES: __7__47%__________

NO: ___8___53%_________

Bolivar R-I School District Bond Issue:


Voters are being asked to decide if the school district should issue $11 million of general obligation bonds, which would be used to acquire, construct, renovate, improve, furnish and equip school facilities. This includes installing safety and security infrastructure, improving existing school facilities, improving career education classes, and expanding playgrounds, including all-inclusive updates.

YES: _______________

NO: _________________

Ava R-I School District Issue:

Voters deciding whether the Ava School District will be authorized to increase the operating tax levy ceiling to $3.01 per $100 of assesses valuation. The increase would pay for capital projects, such as an early childhood enter and storm center.

YES: _________________
NO: _________________

Fair Play Proposition KIDS Issue:

Voters in the Fair Play School District are being asked whether to allow the district to borrow $1.9 million to construct secure entrances, replace exterior doors, upgrade access control systems, replace heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems and upgrade lighting to LED, as well as a number of other school improvements.

YES: _______________

NO: _______________

Halfway R-3 School District Issue:


Voters are deciding whether the district will issue $850,000 of general obligation bonds that would be used to renovate, repair, furnish and equip school sites and buildings, including upgrades to heating and plumbing, ventilation and air conditioning. If approved, the levy is expected to remain unchanged.

YES: _______________

NO: _______________


City of Bolivar—Proposition Public Safety:

Voters in Bolivar are being asked if they should increase the general local sales tax rate by 0.75% until December 31, 2039, which would go toward public safety and emergency preparedness.

YES: ______________

NO: _______________


Central Polk County Fire Protection District Proposition 1:

Asks voters to decide if a specific area, which is currently being served by the Halfway Volunteer Fire Department, should become part of the Central Polk County Fire Protection District. This issue will be on the Bolivar R-1 Schools-Fire and R-3 Halfway School District ballots.

YES: _____________
NO: ______________


City of Willard:

(Vote for 1)

Samuel Snider __8____________

Troy Smith __10_______________

City of Fair Grove:

(Vote for 1)

Leon Beaty _1___________

Thomas Voorhis __2________

City of Marshfield:

(Vote for 1)

Natalie B. McNish ______________

Jed Fisher ____________________

City of Battlefield:

(Vote for 1):

Mark Crabtree _20__________

Dan Fox __1____________

Samantha Deaton _11___________

City of Walnut Grove:

(Vote for 1):

Jim Cole _______________

Jeffrey Kruger __________

Fred Ruth______________

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