Ozark News

Silver Dollar City to Install “Calming Rooms” Designed for Children with Disabilities

Silver Dollar City is announcing the creation of calming rooms for those with special needs.

Park officials say the large crowds, loud noises and strong smells can be overwhelming for children and individuals with special needs, and they want those people to have a safe place to decompress.

SDC is establishing calming rooms throughout the park, including a family calming room with the help of Mercy Hospitals.

Individuals and families will not be limited on time inside the rooms, and may stay as long as they need.

Entrance into the room is free, all you have to do is call the number on the sign outside of the room and wait for security to give you the passcode to get in.

Spokespeople for the park say they hope the creation of these rooms will give families with special needs individuals a greater experience at Silver Dollar City.

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