Ozark News

Springfield Fire Department Annual Report for 2022

The year 2022 was a year of realized potential for the Springfield Fire Department and our community, a celebration of the extensive, expansive, and interconnected efforts of our department, community partners, and our neighbors to create a fire safe community in which we can all be proud.

The Fire Training Bureau provided 24,168 hours of education and training to our firefighters in 2022, providing preparedness for the 12,997 emergency incidents your firefighters responded to delivering heroic and exemplary service to our community, with multiple documented rescues and lives saved. As a result of the community’s ownership in the creation of a fire safe community – the efforts of our chief and company officers, firefighters and administrative staff, partner agencies, community agencies and programs, and our neighbors, the City of Springfield had zero fire related fatalities in 2022, an accomplishment never before documented for our community and something we should all celebrate.

You can read the annual report here. 2022 Fire Department Annual Report

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