Ozark News

Branson Mayor Statement on Branson Fire Marshal Brunner’s Injuries

Branson Mayor, Larry Milton, would like to express his well wishes and a speedy recovery after Branson Fire Rescue Fire Marshal Dennis Brunner was hit by a car and seriously injured while changing a tire near Springfield.

According to a report by the Missouri State Highway Patrol, Fire Marshal Brunner was changing a flat tire on his personal vehicle on February 5, 2022, around 7:45 p.m. on I-44 just east of Springfield when a passing motorist struck him.

While Fire Marshal Brunner’s injuries are serious, he is expected to recover.
“Dennis’ impact on our community, not only the work he does, but what he contributes personally, is evident by the amount calls we have received from concerned citizens and community members.

He is in our hearts and prayers and we wish him a speedy recovery,” said Branson Mayor Larry Milton.

Branson Fire Rescue wants to remind drivers to slow down and move over, not only for emergency vehicles, but for all vehicles as well. If drivers have to pull off on the side of the road for any reason, pull over as far as possible, turn on
hazard lights and keep a flashlight available for emergencies

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