After many years of studying crash rates and safety concerns at the intersection of National and Kingsley, Springfield Public Works is ready to build a median that will limit left turns onto National and improve safety.
The city says work will be conducted overnight, beginning at 6 p.m. Sunday, May 23rd and going through 6 a.m. on May 24th.
During the overnight hours, both north and southbound traffic on National will be reduced to one lane in each direction.
A recent crash analysis shows 22 wrecks were reported at this intersection over a 30-month period, with 21 crashes being attributed to left turns in the intersection.
Although there were no fatalities recorded during the 30-month period, nine of the crashes resulted in injuries.
Drivers approaching from the west can use shared access driveways to make a left turn onto Republic Road, then head north on National.
You can also take a right turn at National, turn left at Republic Road, and use Fremont Avenue to head north.
From the east, folks wanting to go south on National can travel east on Kingsley to Fremont, where they can proceed south.