Ozark News

Springfield Cold Weather Shelters to Open Tuesday Night

Community Partnership of the Ozarks announced Tuesday the area’s cold weather shelters for the community’s homeless population will be open Tuesday night.

The current forecast from the National Weather Service is calling for a low temperature of 24 with gusty winds. A freeze warning is also in effect for tonight.

“Since the forecast is calling for below-freezing temperatures, Crisis Cold Weather Shelter partners have worked collaboratively to open sites outside of the normal cold weather season timeframe,” Michelle Garand, Vice President of Affordable Housing and Homeless Prevention at Community Partnership of the Ozarks, said in a statement. “We are thankful for all of those who have come together so quickly to provide this critical service for the most vulnerable members of our community.”

Community Partnership will be sponsoring campers at the Gathering Tree’s Revive 66 campground, so those needing shelter will not have to pay tonight, and CPO will also provide shuttle service to First Unitarian Universalist’s shelter.

City Utilities will also provide free rides on their buses to a shelter location.

Central Christian Church will host a meal presented by Gathering Friends and that location will also serve as a central pickup location for shelters.

Pick-up times for transportation to Crisis Cold Weather Shelters are as follows:

  • First Unitarian Universalist Pick-up at 6:30 p.m.
  • East Sunshine Pick-up at 7:30 p.m.
  • Bus passes will be provided throughout the day at the O’Reilly Center for Hope and during the evening meal for women accessing shelter at Grace United Methodist, which will open at 8:15 p.m.

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