Editorial By Mike Zimmerman
As a forever fan of the St. Louis Cardinals, player and coach, I say it’s time to boycott MLB games! MLB has devolved into an arm of the extreme elements of the Socialist Democrat Party. That’s fine, but it’s up to the fans to send a message they will hear loud and clear, don’t go to the games, don’t watch them on TV, don’t buy the merchandise, and limit the purchase of products that sponsor their extreme Left-Wing agenda.
We saw the same thing out of MLB last year when they etched in every mound on opening day, BLM. We all know how many riots and property damage that were caused during and after BLM “mostly peaceful” protests last year. BLM is a radical Marxist organization, calling for the elimination of the “nuclear family, demanding reparations, abolishing the police and prisons. So last year on opening day when MLB had every team etch BLM on the mounds, that’s what they were endorsing. Apparently, MLB Commissioner Rob Manfred loves BLM and taking orders from Joe Biden, so this year he decided to move the MLB All-Star Game out of Atlanta because a duly elected State Legislature voted to change the voting laws to require a photo ID. This new law signed by the Governor and denounced by our unifier in chief Joe Biden as “Jim Crow on steroids” and “Jim Eagle”, whatever that is supposed to mean, was enough to have MLB and corporate CEO’s jump out of their socks! Delta, Coca-Cola, Apple, Twitter, Zillow, Uber, Facebook, Google, Bank of America, American Express, Cisco, Merck, American Express have all condemned the new voting law in Georgia as racist. Obviously, they didn’t read the bill, they just want to be part of the “cool crowd”.
Hopefully millions of baseball fans across the country that have done their homework and realize that nothing whatsoever in this law is racist, will give them all a collective middle finger! We used to go to baseball games to ESCAPE the drudgery of our daily lives and root for our favorite team and players. We could high-five the guys around us when one of our guys hit a homerun or made a great defensive play and it wouldn’t make any difference who they voted for or what color they were. Leave it to MLB to take all the fun out of the game and inject politics. They have taken all the fun out of the game and replaced it with perverted political bigotry.
That’s why I’m calling for a boycott of MLB by the fans. My hope is that if enough people boycott MLB, and the companies that support the same socialist cancel culture causes, we can hurt them where it counts, in their bottom line.
Make no mistake, the Left and their army have declared war against us. They have labeled us as racists because we don’t support their divisive plans. If you are a White male, you are the enemy. Curiously, you can find White male liberals apologizing for being White! The Left have practiced and perfected the art of division and they are winning the cultural battle because we aren’t taking them on. The battle must be joined because they are taking control over this country.
The far-left is entrenched in all branches of government and in the upper echelon of our military. Identity and diversity are the all the rage in corporate board rooms. To hell with the most qualified candidate, do they check all the “diversity” boxes? Let’s find a Black transgender woman. She can be White, as long as she “self-identifies” as Black. Is Elizabeth Warren available?
Rob Manfred’s decision to move the All-Star Game out of Atlanta was the final nail in the coffin for me. Maybe there are enough woke minded people in America to fill the stands of MLB stadiums or watch the games on TV, but count me out! I hope you will join me!
Mike Zimmerman
St. Louis IBD Meetup Organizer
Technical Analyst, Capital Management Services, Inc.