Amazon is hiring around 500 full time jobs at the new Republic Distribution Center and several hundred part time jobs at the AMXL facility in Springfield.
The Missouri Job Center is partnering with Amazon in hosting a two-day hiring event on Tuesday and Wednesday, February 23rd and 24th at the center at 2900 East Sunshine in Springfield.
Job seekers must fill out an application online and make an appointment prior to the interview.
No walk-in traffic will be allowed for interviews.
To apply for a job at the Amazon Fulfillment and Distribution Center in Republic, go to Jobs.Mo.Gov and search Amazon for a link to fill out an application.
All appointments are full for the Amazon AMXL facility in Springfield. More jobs for the Republic Distribution Center will be posted at a later date.
After the application is done, a job interview time will be set up.
Starting pay for full and part time employment with Amazon is $15.00 per hour.